Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact.
Some people believe self-care is selfish, but it is far from that. When you give adequate self-attention to your wellbeing, other people in your life may significantly benefit too.
When you are able to take time to reinvigorate yourself, you become a better version of yourself that is able to be more present and available for others.
Here are some simple self-care techniques that you can practice at home to continue your healing journey.

Self Care
Journaling is a simple and effective way to boost your mental health and wellbeing. Its form of expression and release can aid in purging negative thoughts and feelings and reinforcing positive outcomes.
This doesn't have to be done in a fancy note book. Just jot down your experience, what you felt, visualized, sensed and how you are feeling right now.
Your writing can be like a storytelling, dot points, random words or even drawings.
Journaling after a healing experience can aid in remembering visualizations and interpreting feelings. You can keep your journals for reviewing later, or destroy them in a meaning full way to purge negativity.

Taking a warm shower or bath after a healing session is the perfect way to continue your healing journey.
Turn your bathroom into your very own private day spa. Add elements such as fresh flowers or a potted plant to bring nature into your bathroom. Fold your towels neatly, and keep your bathroom clean and uncluttered.
Dim the lights by either lighting scented candles, or use a small lamp.
Add bath salts, essential oils, handmade soaps, even petals and fresh herbs to the water to add to the luxurious experience.
Over 60% of our bodyweight is made up of water and our blood is 90% so its is vital to properly hydrate.
After a healing session drink plenty of water. Avoid sugary drinks and energy drinks.
If you are not used to drinking water, fill a sports drink bottle with water and take regular sips throughout the evening and the following day. After a while you will become a regular water drinker.
There are many benefits to drinking water regularly and they include: joint lubrication, delivers oxygen to the body, prevents kidney damage, flushes body waste, cushions the brain and spinal cord, boosts your skins healthy appearance and many more.

Singing & Humming
Your own voice is a powerful tool for healing and wellbeing. Yes singing in the shower is actually good for you!
Singing and humming activates the parasympathetic nervous system. It also activates the Vagus nerve located in your neck which is linked to the parasympathetic nervous system. This system governs all of your body's vital organs so it is essential to keep it healthy.
Sing along to music while driving to work, doing the house work, in the shed or garden, or even going for a walk.
Humming is a great alternative to singing.
To start your hum, take a deep breath in and on the exhale let your hum take shape. It doesn't matter what it sounds like, just find a comfortable hum to start with.
With every following exhale expand on your hum. Experiment with your hum, make it longer, higher or lower in tone, louder and softer.
Singing and humming daily has many benefits including: increased levels of nitric oxide, a molecule that promotes healing and widens blood vessels, reducing stress levels, lowering blood pressure and heart rate, reduces the number of thoughts that fill your head.
Take "Me Time"
In this modern age we all live very busy lives but its extremely important to make time just for ourselves. If we don't our energy levels drop and we feel constantly tired, overwhelmed and stressed out.
Plan your "Me Time" by including it in your daily schedule or diary, on a calendar, a post-it note, or a reminder on your phone. It can be as little as 20 minutes per day to yourself, but if you can afford more that's great.
Decide what you want to do in your "Me Time". This is time for you to be alone so turn off your devices, and if you get interrupted by other people, remove yourself from the situation.
There are many things you can do with "Your Me Time". Read a book, take a walk, sit in a park, do some writing or art, give yourself a manicure or pedicure, meditate, practice some yoga poses. play an instrument, enjoy a hobby. The options are endless!
Just remember no devices, it is your time to spend alone.

Grounding, or Earthing is a technique that focuses on realigning your energy by doing activities that connect you directly to the ground, to nature.
There are many easy ways to ground yourself.
You start by planning where you want to ground yourself, maybe in your garden, a local park, by a river, or at the beach. All you need is a patch of Mother Earth to stand on.
Remove your shoes. Stand or sit on the earth you have chosen. Make sure your feet connect with the earth. Close your eye, remain silent, and feel the ground beneath your feet. You can also place your hands on the ground, or even lay down. Take time to appreciate Mother Earth, and the connection with your body.
After a while you may want to walk barefoot or even dance, Its up to you.
You can choose to ground by yourself, or with family or friends, but its important to take time to be grateful for Mother Earth.
The benefits of grounding include reducing anxiety and stress, fatigue, blood pressure, depression and more.
So kick off your shoes and get grounded!